Frequently Asked Questions

Travelling in Ireland for the first time?

We hope you find the information below useful, please do not hesitate to get in touch, we are always happy to help.


We are based on the Republic of Ireland, in the province of Ulster, and activities that place at locations that are within, for example, 45 minutes’ drive of Derry City.


English is the main language spoken, but you will notice we have many bi-lingual road and place name signs written in English and Irish Gaelic.

Clothing, drinks, snacks, and medication

Please bring a good rain jacket, a fleece top, and wear loose comfortable clothing, preferably with long legs and sleeves. Where indicated, hiking boots are essential, otherwise sturdy shoes are required. The average temperature is 50 F, which is not too hot and not too cold. You should also consider bringing at least one litre of fluids, a snack of your choice, personal medication, and sun cream.

Time zone

Ireland and London share the same time zone. During the winter, the time is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). From last Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October, Ireland moves its clocks forward from GMT by one hour (GMT+1).

Driving in Ireland

In both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland drive on the left, and the legal age to drive in Ireland is 17 years old.

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